Adults - $14, Seniors (55 and up) - $12,

Students (with i.d.) - $12, Children (12 and under) - $10 

Pay What You Can Night is Thursday, July 27 at 8 p.m.

(Tickets are not sold in advance to Pay What You Can performances.)

All senior tickets to the Thursday, August 3 performance are $5.

Tickets available by clicking here or by calling 517-849-9100. 


with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Really Useful Group. 


This production is sponsored by 

​This production's orchestra is sponsored by

Directed by Trinity Bird

Musical Direction by Kristi Gautsche

Choreography by Sarah Kilgore

Vocal Coaching by Gay Shaw

Children's Vocal Coaching by Samantha Lehman

Stage Management by Mandee Leigh Howard

Set Design by Joella Hendrickson

Costume Design by Patty Spence

Lighting Design by Angela Forant

Sound Design by Tim Ambrose

Properties Design by Travis Blatchley

The Cast

Narrator – Gianna Green
Joseph – Trevor Wagler
Reuben: David Trippett
Simeon: Bruce Crews
Levi: William Brownlee*
Judah/Baker: Morgan Francis
Dan: Timothy Green
Naphtali: Josh Lightner
Issachar: Jacob Isiminger
Gad: Dylan Collier
Asher: Nicholas Gerring
Zebulun: Jacob Weldon
Benjamin: Ezra Hutchinson
Pharoah: Michael Cicirelli*
Potiphar/Butler: Travis Blatchley

Women’s Ensemble:
Emmy Ambrose, Savannah Bruton, Sarah Kilgore,
Samantha Lehman*, Christina McKim-Hatt, Jennifer Wagler

 Children’s Ensemble:

Belle Ambrose, Abby Brownlee*, Anna Brownlee*,
Blaze Brownlee*, Ruth Brownlee*, Jonathon Comiskey,
Emerson Ellis, Anna Gray, Jacob Gray, Ben Johnson* 

*indicates Sauk debut​

The Orchestra

Conductor - Kristi Gautsche

Flute - Susan Nawrot
Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone - Tiegan Smith
Violin (7/27-7/30) - Mark Hageman
Violin (8/3-8/6) - Sarah Hashimoto
Keyboard - Jazmin Kingsley
Guitar (7/27-7/30) - Thomas Spring
Guitar (8/3-8/6) - Steve Barrett
Bass Guitar - Aaron Johnson
Drums/Percussion - Evagene Wellman​

Production Team

Assistant Stage Manager - Ellie Gray
Audition Pianist - Tom Ryskamp
Children's Choir Rehearsal Pianist - Nathan Lehman
Set Construction/Painting - Ronald Boyle, Josh Hall, Diane Langan
Lighting Crew - Brenden Forant, Thallen Forant
Light Board Operator - Alessa Howard
Spotlight Operator - Toby Hendrickson
Sound Board Operator - Tim Ambrose
House Manager - Jennifer Ambrose

Marketing Materials/Headshots - Patrick and Lisa Cook

Special Thanks to...

Nicholas Gerring,  Arrow Swift Printing

and the families of our cast and crew.