Public Performance - 8 p.m. - Saturday, May 7 at 8 p.m.

Sauk Theatre, Jonesville, MI

Pay What You (Generously) Can Event!  

Tickets available starting at 7 p.m. on show night

(Tickets are not sold in advance.) 

This production is sponsored by ​​

Production Coordinated by Trinity Bird

Production Stage Managed by Mandee Leigh Howard

​Lighting and Sound Design by Joella Hendrickson

Friday, April 29

Directors matched with playwrights. 

Friday, May 6

7 p.m. - Directors/Playwrights given inspiration topic.

8 p.m. - Auditions - Click here for information!

After Auditions - Casting/Writing Begins

Saturday, May 7

7 a.m. - Script deadline. Directors receive scripts. 

8 a.m. - Cast read through. 

9 a.m. - Rehearsals begin. 

Noon - Technical rehearsals begin. 

6 p.m. - Final dress rehearsal. 

7 p.m. - Box office opens. 

​8 p.m. - PERFORMANCE!

2022 Theme: 

"Impossible Things Are Happening Every Day!"

A Dream is a Wish Your Stomach Makes

By Scott Mullen

​Directed by Allison Cleveland

Nancy - Erin Brzozowski

Quinn - Kasper Christensen

Adam - Josh Lightner

When Elephants Fly

By Matthew Weaver

​Directed by Tim Ambrose

A - Emmalynn Ambrose

B - Stella McCourry

C - Ashlynn Moore*

D - Esther Yokell


By MJ Dulmage

Directed by Mari Nuñez

Kendra - Kendra Bonjernoor

Summer - Summer Housler

Jennifer - Jennifer Yokell*

Ellie - Ellie Gray

Impossible Facts

By Sarah Gray

Directed by Angela Forant

Jack - Brent Falke

Nate - Noah Honeywell

Luke - Parker Falke

Julie - Rachel Sullivan*

Miracles in Store

By G.M. (Bud) Thompson

Directed by Bruce Crews

The Manager - Dave Trippett

The Young Man - Stephen Petersen*

The Woman - Barbara Cliffe-Miller

The Little Girl - Sadie Falke

* indicates Sauk debut

The Crew

Marketing Materials - Patrick Cook

Headshots/Photography - Lisa Cook, Joyous Journey Photography

Special Thanks to...

Jonesville First Presbyterian Church